Ecosse Fit

Group Personal Training

Working out is easier with people by your side

Our Group Personal Training is tailored to suit your needs.

  • Learn how to exercise

  • Learn what to eat

  • Reduce the risk of injury

  • Achieve your fitness goals

Our 12 week Group Personal Training programmes helps you get to where you didn’t think you could be.

Whether you are looking to drop a dress size or two, tone up, get fitter or generally feel better then this is right for you.

It’s time to invest in yourself and put you first, get in touch below and we will get you started.




Join a fitness community that is passionate, determined, and supportive. There is no better feeling than being somewhere that you feel you belong.

Our coached sessions will help you learn new skills, build confidence, improve technique, improve your overall fitness and strength.

Open gym sessions are included with our memberships to allow you extra time to come in and work on your skills and drill learned from our coached sessions.




Full access to all


3 per week


3x sessions

per week

2 per week


2x sessions

per week
